Dermol Shower Emollient – 200ml


Dermol 200 is an emollient for dry skin that also has antimicrobial properties that work to kill bacteria on the skin causing skin problems.

Dermol Shower Emollient – 200ml £4.74

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  • Dermol 200 is an emollient for dry skin that also has antimicrobial properties that work to kill bacteria on the skin causing skin problems. This shower emollient contains 4 active ingredients that provide relief. These ingredients are:
    • Liquid paraffin
    • Benzalkonium chloride
    • Isopropyl myristate
    • Chlorhexidine dihydrochloride

    Liquid paraffin and isopropyl myristate are both emollients that soften and moisturise the skin as well as forming a protective barrier that helps to reduce the effects of dry skin. Benzalkonium and chlorhexidine are both antibacterial chemicals that will combat bacteria on the skin that can make eczema worse and that causes itching.